Monday, December 15, 2008

Tag 3 Christmas Wishes

I would have several Christmas wishes. The three that come to mind are:
1. Plane tickets for my whole family to go and visit family in Utah.
2.My children's happy faces on Christmas morning
3.Getting all debt paid off!

Those are in no special order, but now that you have read them, you now have to go to your blog and do your 3 Christmas wishes because you are now.......TAGGED!!! HA! HA! HA!


Jeromy & Hollie Sampson said...

I don't know about the Christmas Tag thing, but my Office to very slow during this Season. Somehow nobody wants to go to Jail. I had to arrest one yesterday, and he was in tears. I guess he should hasn't had lied and used herion. He going to have a miserable Christmas, but at least he will be safe. We've had some really bad herion going around Davis & Weber County. I have just myself had two guys almost died, and one of his friend did. If Jessica can't do it, I can, but you have to let me know by Thursday. I will be taking off the rest for Christmas.

Jeromy & Hollie Sampson said...

Do I need to pick up from from Jess or your mother-in-law (need a address, just email me0, and do I need to pick up anyone elses.

Jeromy & Hollie Sampson said...

Check out my blog, I found out how to do a slideshow its at the bottom. Its really cool, but its plain, and I will get better at it.